What Do Penguins Do at Night? A Quick Guide to Penguins Sleep

what do penguins do at night

Penguins are adorable creatures that have a lot of mystery surrounding them. For example, what do they do at night? How do they sleep? Do they dream? 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the habits of penguins when it comes to their sleep schedule. Spoiler alert: they snooze just like us!

What do penguins do at night? 

Penguins spend their nights just like us – they sleep! Penguins typically sleep eight hours a night, usually between 8 pm and 4 am. During their slumber, penguins snore and sometimes even chatter in their sleep!

Like humans, penguins have different stages of sleep. REM sleep (the stage in which we dream) is the final stage of sleep that all mammals experience.

REM sleep in penguins lasts for about six minutes on average. Scientists believe that this brief period of REM sleep is crucial for consolidating memories.

How do penguins sleep? 

Penguins sleep standing up! They tuck their heads into their wings and doze off. This position helps them stay warm and conserve energy.

Penguins also like to huddle together when they sleep. This behavior is called “cuddling,” and it serves two purposes.

  1. It keeps the penguins warm.
  2. Second, it provides a sense of safety in numbers – if one penguin wakes up and sees a predator, the rest of the group will be alerted and can take action.

King penguins sleep the same way as other penguins – standing up and tucked into their wings. King penguins, however, tend to sleep in larger groups than other penguin species. This gives them a sense of safety in numbers and helps keep them warm during the night.

Penguins, like most species, remain standing when incubating their eggs. When incubating their eggs, penguins position themselves in a way that helps keep the eggs warm. They typically tuck their heads and chests under their wings and sit on their eggs to keep them from cooling down.

Do penguins stand up when they sleep?

Yes, penguins stand up when they sleep. This position helps them stay warm and conserve energy.

Where do penguins sleep at night?

Penguins typically sleep in colonies, which can be found in various places such as on the ground, on ice shelves, or on cliffs. Some colonies are so large that they have their own “neighborhoods” and “streets.”

Do penguins sleep with their eyes open?

No, penguins do not sleep with their eyes open. However, they can keep a lookout for predators while they sleep by taking turns standing guard. This way, the whole group can get some rest!

Penguins typically go to sleep at around 8 pm. Depending on the species, they will sleep in different places.

For example, king penguins often sleep in large groups on the ground, while gentoo penguins typically sleep on ice shelves or cliffs. Penguin colonies can be found in various places worldwide, such as Antarctica, South America, New Zealand, and Australia.

What do penguins eat before bed?

Penguins typically eat small fish, such as krill and herring. They also eat squid and other marine invertebrates. Penguins usually hunt for food in the water, but they will also eat food that they find on the ground or in the air.

Do penguins have dreams?

We don’t know for sure, but it’s possible! Penguins might dream about their next meal, a predator lurking nearby, or their mate and chicks back at the nest.


Penguins are interesting creatures with lots of quirks and habits. Next time you see one at the zoo, take a moment to watch it sleep. You might just catch it dreaming about swimming in the wild sea!

What do you think about penguins and their sleeping habits? Do you have any questions that we didn’t answer in this blog post? Let us know in the comments below!

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